Nature Happenings

  • June is Perennial Garden Month & National Rivers Month
  • Bird migration is finished. Birds that are here now are summer residents that nest.
  • As the month progresses, feeders can become busy with visiting parents and fledglings.
  • House Wrens are nesting.
  • Wood Duck and Mallard ducklings hatch and venture forth early in the month.
  • Canada Geese begin molting.
  • Young woodchucks and raccoons emerge and venture out with their mothers.
  • Look for birds like Cedar Waxwings eating the ripe fruit of Serviceberry.
  • Horseshoe Crabs spawn on Delaware bayshore beaches in late-May to early-June.
  • Pond turtles are digging nests; the eggs will hatch in 80 - 90 days.
  • White-tailed Deer fawns continue to be born through mid-month.